By now, most people have heard of Stuxnet but for those of you who haven't:
Stuxnet is a working and fearsome prototype of a cyber-weapon that will lead to the creation of a new arms race in the world. It remains unknown who created it although fingers have been pointed at middle-eastern governments, along with the US and Siemens. It targets industrial control systems in order to take control of industrial facilities, such as power plants. While the attacker’s exact motives for doing so are unclear.
Historic data from the early days of the Stuxnet worm attack showed that Iran, Indonesia and India accounted for the bulk of the countries where computers were targeted.
While the video claims stuxnet to be readily availble to anybody online, it's not. And the virus uses closer to 4 zero-day exploits, not 20.
After learning the capabilities of this virus, it's scary to think that soon, we may be entering the age of the keyboard soldier.

Filed under:
virus infection spyware computer stuxnet iran
Wow cool shit, i suppose keyboard wars will end in less human deaths
kinda scary :/ good blog nevertheless! shall follow, for further technical info :)
Computers just got a hell of a lot more volatile. Holy crap...
It was only ever a matter of time, I suppose, until cybernetics became a serious contender in warfare.
i can see how that is the future. +1
Viruses don't scare me, I back my files up and just wipe everything if i accidentally get infected.
Well, I guess something like this was bound to happen. New technology usually derives from warfare, and sometimes, warfare finds its way into new technologies.
I thought the Israelis made it with US help. But again, that's just rumors.
Sounds crazy :|
I wanna do this.
Siemens! I knew it!
Watched the TED video about stuxnet. scary stuff :\
Scary stuff :(