The father of smartphones, Nokia has been struggling recently in the market. It's not recent news. With rivals such as Apple and HTC popping up, Nokia has been shunted off to the side.
The court battle has been going since 2009 and has been stretched out over so long due to countless counter suits. It first came about when Nokia decided to sue Apple in the United States claiming that Apple was using patented tech owned by Nokia. It has been said that Nokia will now be awarded up to 2% of all iPhone sales, giving the Finnish company a much needed boost. This will most likely be awarded in a lump sum with the possibility of future royalties.
This victory has spurred Nokia into being more aggressive with it's patents and it may be compelled to chase other rival companies. While this has given Nokia a boost, it's still going to be an uphill struggle to compete against Android and iPhone devices.
The court battle has been going since 2009 and has been stretched out over so long due to countless counter suits. It first came about when Nokia decided to sue Apple in the United States claiming that Apple was using patented tech owned by Nokia. It has been said that Nokia will now be awarded up to 2% of all iPhone sales, giving the Finnish company a much needed boost. This will most likely be awarded in a lump sum with the possibility of future royalties.
This victory has spurred Nokia into being more aggressive with it's patents and it may be compelled to chase other rival companies. While this has given Nokia a boost, it's still going to be an uphill struggle to compete against Android and iPhone devices.
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Apple Nokia android iphone sued moeny
I don't think it's going to be enough for them. Even partnering with Microsoft won't be able to bring them ahead or even close to either Android or IOS.
Apple still holds major dominance over the market from the looks of things.
im glad to hear this because i have a passionate hate for apple.
its all good, apple has enough money anyways
Wow, apple lost a lawsuit? Very interesting.
Wow. I know that Nokia holds a large market share in Scandinavia and central Europe, but they have definitely been having problems in the United States. This will give them enough capital to continue to float the company.
oh man, future roylaties could be a LOT
Huh, what was the patented tech it was all about?
Looks like apple have some catching up to do!
That will be a nice bit of money.
lol that's the good ol' U.S. court system. sue the competitors when you can't keep up!
2% should add up to a pretty penny pretty quickly
Yes, but what are they going to do with that money?
Yay Nokia! I hate Apple -.-
2% of all sales I bet that adds up to quite a sum!!
Even if nokia wins, i still like apple >:)!!
Apple ftw