If this doesn't appeal to the kid within you, then something is wrong here. The famous words "Welcome to Jurassic Park" may soon become a reality. This is quite fascinating stuff.
Paleontologist Jack Horner wants a pet dinosaur. According to his TED talk, we're actually getting closer to making Jurassic Park a reality. Thanks to chickens.
Researchers have already been able to create a chicken with teeth by using atavism activation, a process where one stimulates a leftover gene from an ancestral version of your chosen test subject. Chickens, Horner says, are dinosaurs—avian dinosaurs, to be exact. And in embryotic form, they exhibit some similarities with their 60-million-year-old reptilian cousins (like having a longer tail or hands/fingers instead of wings). But as the embryo grows, a gene kicks in to shorten the tail or change the structure of the hands. And so we're left with a boring, albeit tasty, "bird" that can't even fly.
But creating a Chickenosaurus, researchers believe, is the first step towards realizing Michael Crichton's (and Jack Horner's) dream.
We've obviously not learned our lesson from the 1993 blockbuster. Nothing here could go wrong, LETS DO IT!
Filed under:
jurassic park dinosaur trex
meh. I'd buy a chickensaurus as a pet.
i wonder how a chickensaurus would taste..
Not too fab, I'd guess. Imagine how much chicken you'd get in a KFC bucket in one though!
Sounds legit! Just keep Sam Neill with you at al times and it wil be fiiine.
Ah, the good ol' Jurassic Park movies. This would be so cool to see become reality, we just need to get better cages then the ones in the movies. :P
I wonder how it would taste?
I love Jurassic Park...my ex was a freakin' t-rex....and dino nuggets!
Dude that is awesome just by its teeth, lets bring back a sabertooth!
ted talks are by far my favorite things to watch when i want to learn!
Can I eat chicken nuggets out of them ? :3
Jurrasic park in reality would be sweet!
Wouldn't that be sweet!
Good old Jack, makes me laugh everytime.
keep it up and have a nice weekend! :)
How would your TRex show his love for you? I've always known pups to nibble at my ankles...
That's pretty darn cool - a dinosaur park would be pretty awesome.
Reminds me I need to watch Jurassic Park again